People says that it will be the coldest winter in 50,000 years, and I sorta get the feeling of becoming an ice-age creatures, hibernating myself with warm blankets and watching Gossip Girls on bed with hot cocoa and peanut-butter sandwiches

Hey winter, i'm not that ready lah to meet you. Slow-slow down little little eh
Ah winter, it feels so nice to see the white, purely-looking snow falling down gracefully from the sky without knowing what it capable to do next. It's cold, it's cold, it's cold, and it's cold. I do love the snow, it's so pure, so white, so heaven, so....whatsoever it is, but when it's -20 and below, with blizzard is going on, and we have to walk through the thick white snow for classes, plus if we aren't lucky we'll be slipping over the slippery ice, and it's still dark, and dark always means much colder to me, with the icy snow slapping our faces, the coldness makes my munchy little face can't barely move, and now you believe it's okay?
And yeah it's all gonna be okay, if later I felt so cold and fell down onto the white snow, and a vampire is trying to help me.
Or Jacob Black
*uhh he's HOT :P
i dun lik him much, but since he's "hot" in his on way..
nk suka dia jgk lah~
haha i thought u only like "like" ones post on fb, but here also same :)
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