Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Know You, I Know You Won't

Officially 21

Dear wallflower A, 
                   Happy 21st.

May your worst of the past be the best of your future, 
And grow some brain and be much more happier, 

                                                                     from past A.

p/s - Thanks for the cakes and the surprises and the gifts and well wishes, truly appreciate it. Nak suruh anon readers wish kan me thru comment box boleh tak? Pleeeeasee

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Random-ing on 4.30 am

Random thoughts, just feeling like posting.

I always have this conversation with my roomies, which I always say "nak tidur, tapi takut rugi", and he always replies "aik sejak bila tidur pun rugi?", which somehow it slips into my mind that ya Allah I lupa that sleeping is no longer a nikmat (masyaAllah feel so guilty typing that) for me when it comes to exams. Mana taknya, there are tonnes of drugs need to be memorized, a lot of diseases need to be understood and remembered, and dont forget about the bloody mini microbes, muscles, ligaments and whatever-on-earth megabombastic else things too. Even the tiny miny non-important thing pun kena ingat, ayyo stressnya! But seriously A, sleep itu tak rugi lah, silly. Stop messing your head with all these silly lies.

It came to my senses while in subway train back from class a couple of days ago that I am just a student, no need for me to spend money on branded items when there are loads of non-branded good items with decent price too. I just have to find them, reutilize whatever items that I have in wardrobe and starts doing some mismatching-thingy. Tak branded pun tak apa, janji it look good and satisfies you. Somehow I forget the fact that I am just a student, jangan nak berlagak banyak sangat duit nak belanja itu ini.

Speaking of money, ticket's price this year has risen like crazy. Dah lah aku tak start mencari lagi apa-apa lagi. Tambah lagi dengan aku ni yang kuat berbelanja sakan sejak dua tiga menjak ni..haih poning-poning.

Currently I am so crazy about this navy-blue blazer that I saw in Zara's, because you know, navy look is a popular summer look, but unfortunately I am so petite so no luck for me...but instead, I went to this one kids' shop accidentally hohoho and since its prom season...there is ultimate sale of the coats and blazers and whatnots for more than 50%! I havent got a chance to buy some since I have these important upcoming exams finishing this semester up, but once I am done with the exams, I will definitely hunt them down! See, this is what I said about there are lots of good items which are kinda similar but cheaper!

The classes are almost over for this semester, yet I bought lots of stuffs tapi nak pakai gi mana kalau kelas dah nak habis? It's not like we here have lots of function or event or something, and I am also jarang keluar rumah. Terpaksalah simpan for next season heyhey.

It's so sedih when people always judge you no matter what, i mean not in my case-lah because I really dont care anymore..but they are like judging some people that I do know well, and it irritates me so much to say the truth but I can't since the judges are always such a thickhead, and even if I said the truth they were like..meh, whatever.

And oh I so dislike overconfident, outspoken people. I still remember I used to say if anything happens, I don't want to be such an overconfident, because I don't like these people. I know if bad stuffs happen to you, you should speak up, but what I hate is it's always one-sided and biased. I used to admire them, but when I learnt that it's always about them hence come the one-sided thingy, But I don't know whether my judgement is based on jealousy or simply the fact that they look quite kejam when things don't go on their way?

And I also dislike those yang selalu blame benda lain when the one that we should firstly blame is ourselves. Like it makes you look so silly.

And I wonder people must dislike me too for disliking so many things. Whatever, don't care, tata.

And so sudden temperature drops recently, it's not like winter-like cold...but still, sejjukkk.

Don't think I can answer pharmacology test tomorrow..there are too many drugs! Like all anti-anti semua masuk sekali in one test.

Okay suddenly takutlah pulak, esok nak buat mcq je lah, then the written one buat this friday. Ok ok sambung study. Or tidur and buat pharmacology test hari lain.

Idol's Irony

It's so irony, Jessica delivered the best-est performance of all seasons combined together but the winner is Phillip.

 I mean, I am not trying to judge Phillip's winning because they are both different artists with different genre, but it's like the AI team overused Jessica last I thought the night belong to her as if its maybe subliminal message or something. Kejam you American Idol. But anyway, I already predicted Phillip is gonna win so I don't care..sebab based on the pre-coronation's performances I already knew he's going to win, and I am secretly rooting for him too awal-awal the season started. Tapi with the overusage of Jessica made me think twice, lebih-lebih lagi dayum this girl kicked ass so bad.

Whatever, this girl has serious talent nevertheless..and I still believe she is our new Whitney. And seriously this year's talents are so diverse and lain macam, they have strong current recording artists. Please make records you guys, I am will be waiting in high anticipation for it.

So to those who maybe didn't watch American Idol or missed the performance, prepare to see the awesomeness of this Jessica Sanchez. Plus she's freaking sixteen! And not to mention she's singing duet with the Jennifer Holliday, the original singer kot.

In the word of JLo, gives me goosies all the way each time I watch this. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Plan Berjaya.

Like seriously, today's class was the most craziest class of all. It's been a while since the last time I speak up in front of public, so I was sedikit lupa how it should go. Tapi truthfully, its presentation depan class je pun, what the fuss?

Anyhoo, it was quite okay at first as somehow I managed to control my hyper-anxiety-ness, but toward the end I was shaking like cray-cray when I heard people clapping their hands and doing some cheerings and whatnots. I don't know whether they were cheering for me because of my presentation seemed impressive (ew sila baling tomato), or because of the fact that I was the last one to do presentation, which means class will be over soon lah after I am, entah, I don't know. Either way, they were acting like crazy, and I hate when they do that, malulah.

Anyway, the most laughable part was when Malay words slipped out from my mouth accidentally, and just when I finished, I felt so embarassed sebab people tepuk-tepuk tangan and I began to get nervous and panicked as I don't know what to do. Like seriously, rasa macam blank gila sebab I was panicked. Yelah, should I bow down and say thank you, or should I go and shake hand with the lecturer or what? I couldn't remember what I did at that moment, tapi all I know is I was mumbling stupid words like malu and something like that and panicking like crazy. And the lecturer pulak senyum-senyum and gave me his sacred hug, which conclude that I did okay lah kan? (bangga).

But it's not that I am that nervous you know. Ceh dah nervous tu cakap je lah nervous, nak jugak bagi details kan. Tapi serius, I was not that nervous, my hands didn't shake like it always do...and my voice pun tak shaky-shaky sangat. Usually when I do something pelik je in front people I am always terketar-ketar and my voice pun bergegar-gegar, tapi senang cakap...I finally found my way of being a bit confidence than the usual me. Tak perlulah nak share kan, biarlah aku sendiri yang tahu buat masa ni...cuma yang pasti those who know me here mungkin nampak kot yang I am a bit different sejak kebelakangan ni..and yes, being me and being comfortable in my own skin without giving a single eff towards other memang betul-betul berguna, that's all I'm gonna say. Just be you and screw whatever people thinks, and don't forget to be positive too with lots of smiles.

So yeah, at least I accomplished something right? At least adalah jugak points orang nak cakap pasal aku, sekarang orang tahu yang aku takdelah perfect and naive sangat (woah kali ni nak baling tong sampah pun takpe, hahah).

And oh, malam ni we all, I repeat WE ALL will tahu who wins American Idol, and due to that I am so not going to open any laman sosial sebab takut tertahu who wins ohoho, so please please please no spoiler breaker pleaseee. And officially I hate that 1 hour performances untuk malam pre-coronation, too packed and too rushy for my liking. Sorilah, my demam AI tak subsided lagi..nanti lama-lama ok lah tu. And just fyi, the same happens to any singing reality tv comp that I watch, tak kisahlah mentor ke, AF ke apa, I just suka tengok program camtu nak wat camana.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Final Two American Idol Season 11

And finally its final two.

Somehow i've been thinking to buat ala-ala summary on this season's Final Two sebab aku memang free sesangat kan? Tapi last-last malaslah, siapalah aku nak komen macam-macam. Lagipun orang lain tengah sibuk study nak exam aku pulak tengah sibuk tengok American Idol.

Like hello, bagusnya engkau. Atau kalau ikut trend masakini, its time to say "untunglaaaaaa" kuat-kuat dengan pitch dan nada yang terlebih annoying tu.

So anyhoo, basically it's between Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips, which memang I so not bajet these two will be competing against each other in the freaking Finale. I thought in finale it will be between Joshua Ledet and Phillip, sebab Jessica did soo poorly during semifinal...and sungguh tak disangka instead Joshua, Jessica yang made it through. Tapi don't get me wrong here Idol's fans, dalam hati memang berharap sebenarnya untuk Jessica vs. Joshua for final, sebab they are both superb, cuma in Semi Final Jessica macam entah, kalau in Idol's word its called Syesha-ed, tapi nak bagi senang cakap, ada something wring with her performances malam tu yang nampak kurang berbanding the other two. Tapi tak kisahlah, Phillip pun ok jugak, he's such a strong and unique contender far I am enjoying what he did on Idol. In fact, all his studio versions semuanya catchy dan current kot.

But seriously, the main reason aku taknak dia to be in this final sebab taknak lah WGWG yang ke-5 menang American Idol, nak orang lain pulak yang menang, dah 5 kali berturut-turut kot laki menang. Dah la nak kata femes pun takdelah femes sangat kecuali beberapa kerat je macam David Cook and Kris Allen, yang lain senyap hilang begitu saja.

Anyway berbalik kepada topik asal, in honour of those two yang akan battling live this week, this is my list of Top 3 favourite's performances of these two, starting with the powerhouse Jessica Sanchez. Sukacita dimaklumkan ini cuma pendapat peribadi, your pendapat sila jangan malu untuk conteng-conteng ruangan komen di bawah.

So untuk Jessica Sanchez, my Top 3 Favourite's Performances are;

3. Dance With My Father - Luther Vandross

This rendition is sooo beautiful! It's heartfelt, the way Jessica conveyed emotion through this song memang tersangatlah bagus and me sebenarnya tak pernah suka pun lagu ni walaupun lagu ni dah di-cover banyak kali dalam American Idol. Tapi sebab lagu ni keeps playing in my playlist which I don't know why, dah boleh hafal dah lirik lagu ni subconsciously..dan dari situ tahu yang lagu ni bagus sebenarnya. Oke point tu tak berkait, tapi because this song somehow I knew lyrics dia dan when she sang this, buat tersentuh jiwa ni tau (ew ew seket lol)

2. Sweet Dreams (Beautiful Nightmare) - Beyonce Knowles

Walaupun versi ni taklah original sangat sebab Beyonce pernah buat ala-ala gini, alah like seriously Youtubers banyak kot akustik-kan lagu orang in youtube, tapi her vocal tone and impeccable singing technique perfected this song like perfect's perfect. And seriously secara kebetulan a day before she sang this on American Idol, I was humming this song tanpa disedari (okay itu sedikit biased opinion here), so agak teruja bila tengok-tengok dia nyanyi lagu ni besoknya.

1. Stuttering - Jazzmine Sullivan

Like come on, after Beyonce, she's covering Jazzmine Sullivan? The fact that she stays true to who she is, who is a for me kinda soul R&B type of singer made me like her even more. This song is so susah nak dibawak, and the way Jessica delivered this song with such emotions and stellar technique, apart from her naturally beautiful voice, memang senang dapat goosie-lah. For some mungkin tak dapat rasa, but for a massive R&B fan like me, this one is soo powerful performance lah.

So done with Jessica, for Phillip Phillips...I think my Top 3 would be;

3. Movin' On (Anthony's Song) - Billy Joel

This is so underrated performance of Phillip. The judges tak suka sangat taim tu sebab dia asyik bawak genre yang sama, which you can hear la kan that the style is almost sama je each weeks, me also tak suka jugak week tu bila dia nyanyi sebab hello, dah boleh expected dah dia nyanyi cenggitu, tapi bila dengar balik, omaigosh, that guitar, that rendition..stellar delivery. Ini memang betul-betul talent kat situ.

2. Beggin' - Madcon

One word; sexy overload. Okay itu dah dua words, tapi whatever.

1. Volcano - Damien Rice

When I think of which performance I love the most, this one should be it. Mungkin persembahan tu nampak simple dan agak lay-back, tapi this would be my favourite performance of him..what a pure artistry! And I love how the stage manager buat this staging, menarik!

So agak-agak siapa yang akan menang AI nanti ya untuk this season? For me I am personally rooting for Jessica Sanchez, tapi kalau Phillip yang menang pun tak apa jugak sebab I think both of them are marketable, kita tengoklah nanti apa yang akan jadi.

Yang pasti, once the winner is crowned this week, it means that my final exam dah makin dekat lah tu. Ish hilang my sumber penghilang stress nanti... T_T

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Happy, period.

Orang selalu nampak yang kita ni tak happy, selalu negatif, selalu maki hamun orang, padahal dia tak tahu yang I only expressed my sadness here in my blog sebab thats the only way I could channel them to ease my pain. Maybe its my fault sebab tak tulis benda yang happy-happy dalam this blog, tapi seriously for freak's sake, I am happy with my life these past two years...tak update status facebook atau twitter atau blog with happy emotions tak bermaksud I am depressed ke apa, it means that I have my own life to deal with and like seriously, takde pekdahnya aku nak share all my happy moments kat orang, buat apa? Perlu ke?

Perlu ke aku bagi tahu kat semua orang yang aku happy sebab I finally don't care to wear whatever things on me takpe pedulikan orang lain punya judgements?
Perlu ke aku bagitahu semua orang yang aku happy sebab I am finally getting better spiritually?
Perlu ke aku bagitahu semua orang yang aku happy sebab dapat beli macam-macam jenis baju dan shopping berlambak pakaian sampai tak muat closet?
Perlu ke aku bagitahu yang aku suka Dayang Nurfaizah dan suka tengok American Idol?

Perlu ke? Perlu ke? Perlu ke???

Okay maybe I am unhappy waktu first year in uni, tapi so far I am enjoying my life to the bits, I  found what I am searching for so long by joining usrah, I do what I want, I study and I fail but I don't care because I am positively believe with qada' and qadar to the MAX, and I did say lots above pasal I am happy now (itu baru seket) need I say more?

Macam hello, this blog is the place where I pour out my endless emotional rants on stuffs...I said it multiple times...even the last couple posts before pun aku cakap, dah sini tempat aku mengadu domba when I am down or depressed...then you readers who baca this blog and by this blog solely you want to judge me as an emotional person?

Senang cakap, you don't know me well enough besides my writings, you should see me with your own two eyes before start cakap macam-macam.

Okay I know this post is unnecessary, tapi it's so menaikkan darah bila orang yang dah bertahun-tahun tak nampak aku depan mata boleh cakap...A you kena selidik diri dulu sebab selalu emo, A you ni negatif sangat, A you ni bla bla bla, yada yada...then bila I ask tahu dari mana ni? Dia jawab "I baca your status fb lah. I baca your bloglah. baca your tweet lah". So basically youre trying to say based solely on those stuffs you see I am unhappy?? Short-minded nya!!

I am human, I have upside downs, and mostly when I am down I write here, or fb, or tweets...walaupun jarang gila aku post emotional status/tweets in those sites sbb I love blogs, tapi hello meh nak habaq mai, physiologically people when berada dalam emotional state memang akan whining kat banyak laman sosial like tweeting or blogging..macam i am doing now lah...its my fault I know, tapi..come on?! It's so natural..people do that nowadays kan kan kan?

It's so simple, meh nak break it down to you;

I am down --> I post rants which always salahkan diri sendiri (poyo), or just senyap je (lagi poyo)

Haish...pleaselah understand..please.

So by that I think from now I should postlah random happy moment, starting dengan...
Aww sukanya minum air teh lemon petang-petang!
Aww sukanya nyanyi lagi Bonnie Raitt ni, yang I Can't Make You Love Me.
Aww sukanya dengan persembahan Stacy dalam Mania!

LOL peliknya, but thats what you asked, kan?

ps -
And about closing this blog, yes I think I probably SHUT THIS ONE DOWN sebab people nanti akan baca benda-benda lama tu yang soo emotional katanya...dan I don't want to have this kinda conversation. EVER. AGAIN.

but i still will be blogging tho, its either I removed/simpan all the previous post baik-baik in drafts box atau I made new blog.

ps edited -
Tak jadi. Nak simpan all the 2010, and halfway 2011 posts baik-baik tak bagi orang baca, gedik dan emosi sangat postnya. Nak buat major reorganisation!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Dua tiga menjak ni ive been thinking to shut this blog down, and start fresh. Rasa macam there's too many stupid and tak berfaedah stuffs around here, rasa macam nak revert-kan all the published posts into drafts.

So kalau tetiba all the posts hilang, you know who to blame :(

Friday, May 4, 2012


I am migrating from facebook to twitter like seriously. Its been said that once I started twittering, I won't have enough time to check facebook or doing some blogging thing since twitter is far more overpowering...and addicting.

As I am basically a human with subpar confidence level, which by that means I over-consciously scared to be judged by others outside there, we'll see how far it goes for me to keep twittering and expressing myself in short sentences without being so...uhm emotional and paranoid.

Just wish me luck in there.