Saturday, May 26, 2012

Random-ing on 4.30 am

Random thoughts, just feeling like posting.

I always have this conversation with my roomies, which I always say "nak tidur, tapi takut rugi", and he always replies "aik sejak bila tidur pun rugi?", which somehow it slips into my mind that ya Allah I lupa that sleeping is no longer a nikmat (masyaAllah feel so guilty typing that) for me when it comes to exams. Mana taknya, there are tonnes of drugs need to be memorized, a lot of diseases need to be understood and remembered, and dont forget about the bloody mini microbes, muscles, ligaments and whatever-on-earth megabombastic else things too. Even the tiny miny non-important thing pun kena ingat, ayyo stressnya! But seriously A, sleep itu tak rugi lah, silly. Stop messing your head with all these silly lies.

It came to my senses while in subway train back from class a couple of days ago that I am just a student, no need for me to spend money on branded items when there are loads of non-branded good items with decent price too. I just have to find them, reutilize whatever items that I have in wardrobe and starts doing some mismatching-thingy. Tak branded pun tak apa, janji it look good and satisfies you. Somehow I forget the fact that I am just a student, jangan nak berlagak banyak sangat duit nak belanja itu ini.

Speaking of money, ticket's price this year has risen like crazy. Dah lah aku tak start mencari lagi apa-apa lagi. Tambah lagi dengan aku ni yang kuat berbelanja sakan sejak dua tiga menjak ni..haih poning-poning.

Currently I am so crazy about this navy-blue blazer that I saw in Zara's, because you know, navy look is a popular summer look, but unfortunately I am so petite so no luck for me...but instead, I went to this one kids' shop accidentally hohoho and since its prom season...there is ultimate sale of the coats and blazers and whatnots for more than 50%! I havent got a chance to buy some since I have these important upcoming exams finishing this semester up, but once I am done with the exams, I will definitely hunt them down! See, this is what I said about there are lots of good items which are kinda similar but cheaper!

The classes are almost over for this semester, yet I bought lots of stuffs tapi nak pakai gi mana kalau kelas dah nak habis? It's not like we here have lots of function or event or something, and I am also jarang keluar rumah. Terpaksalah simpan for next season heyhey.

It's so sedih when people always judge you no matter what, i mean not in my case-lah because I really dont care anymore..but they are like judging some people that I do know well, and it irritates me so much to say the truth but I can't since the judges are always such a thickhead, and even if I said the truth they were like..meh, whatever.

And oh I so dislike overconfident, outspoken people. I still remember I used to say if anything happens, I don't want to be such an overconfident, because I don't like these people. I know if bad stuffs happen to you, you should speak up, but what I hate is it's always one-sided and biased. I used to admire them, but when I learnt that it's always about them hence come the one-sided thingy, But I don't know whether my judgement is based on jealousy or simply the fact that they look quite kejam when things don't go on their way?

And I also dislike those yang selalu blame benda lain when the one that we should firstly blame is ourselves. Like it makes you look so silly.

And I wonder people must dislike me too for disliking so many things. Whatever, don't care, tata.

And so sudden temperature drops recently, it's not like winter-like cold...but still, sejjukkk.

Don't think I can answer pharmacology test tomorrow..there are too many drugs! Like all anti-anti semua masuk sekali in one test.

Okay suddenly takutlah pulak, esok nak buat mcq je lah, then the written one buat this friday. Ok ok sambung study. Or tidur and buat pharmacology test hari lain.

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