Monday, September 3, 2012

Not so prepared

Our life sure does full with unexpected surprises.

Just recently I heard about news of the death of two fellow Malaysian students who are studying in Russia in the amidst of gelak ketawa of catching up with friends upon the beginning of the new semester, which started today. Agak mengejutkan jugak sebenarnya since it was so unexpected, who knows in the middle of being so overly joyous in this festive mood and being happy for having such a great holidays with families, Allah reminds us for not being so carried away with dun'ya and be prepared for death. Siapa sangka kan? 

When I heard about it I was so shocked. Well this news struck me so bad cuz it happened so sudden and so random. Like it could be happening to anyone of us very randomly in any time from now, no matter how prepared or not prepared we are.

It reminds me of one of the verses in al-Quran about death, which I forgot from which surah it is, but its like ajal maut dah lama dah ditetapkan untuk kita. Tak kisahlah sekebal mana pun kita atau sejauh mana pun kita usaha untuk selamatkan diri daripada mati, kalau Allah cakap hari tu kita mati di tempat ni sekian-sekian, walau di pulau terpencil mana sekalipun, kita akan hilang nyawa kita di tempat tu by hook or by crook.

Takziah diucapkan kepada keluarga arwah, dan al-Fatihah buat mereka yang terkorban. :(

ps - Rupanya proses mencari ilmu di negara orang bukannya senang. Ya Rabb please bless my journey dan tetapkan my niat very very strong so that if Im gone, I am not gone for nothing.

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