Taking a week off from this cold and mundane city of Moscow is definitely worth it. It's so nice to unwind a little, breaking off to being a tourist and not a student for a change, even if it's just for a week.
Just a teaser to where I travelled to, :) |
Just so you know, I am not much of a fan of travelling.
Travelling, is hardd. Like super-friggin-
memeningkan kepala punye hard.
It's a very challenging process, which drains and sucks out your energy to make you always feel anxious and wanna pee all the time :(
You must have all skills in your pocket if you wanted to travel.
Everything has to be polished beforehand. You have to be smart with every single skill; like map-reading skill, communication skill, tolerance skill, adaptability skill, gadget-y skill, planning skill, you name it.
It involves all skills mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. You have to be good, kind and approachable, but don't hesitate to be heartless and cunning at times in need. Clumsiness is a no go, and attentiveness to the details is something you just HAVE to have
kot kot mana pun.
And you have to think awfully fast too in case something suddenly went wrong.
As for me, I am mostly terrible in everything. But whether you like it or not, the show must go on once you set your foot the soil which isn't yours. You gotta do what you gotta do since there is no option left than trying to survive, even when its reaching your limit to do so. It is the time where you have to step out from your comfort zone and test your limit as eventually, sooner or later, the time will come too no matter what. Now or never, ready or not...you have to be at your very best when the moment came...
Well, as crazy as it sounds, I did experience the worst in this trip. We could plan all we want but God is still the better planner than us. However, it was still a fun experience though. especially when we managed to pull it through. And at least you got something to remember from your journey.
Alah, this is life. Bad experience, good experience, all are the spices in life, toughen us up for upcoming battles in life.
Lagipun kalau rasa susah hati sebab travel tu susah, ingat ayat ni;
"Dialah yang menjadikan bumi itu mudah bagi kamu, maka berjalanlah di segala penjurunya..."
al-Mulk, 15
So yeah, some comments on what I felt of my '13/14 winter trip. Hopefully the pictures will follow up later on separate posts (if I could make it). I am sorting them out while recovering from jetlag and flu which I caught upon arrival home.
Till then, A.