Well, opening facebook today is not a good idea.
Half of the seniors are waving their final goodbyes, juniors are happily packing their stuffs to go back for holidays, and the rest of fifth year and I, are busy cramming our brains up for another three more papers left. Woah I can't believe how much I hate this time of the year.
Usually I just don't care, but this time I get this sudden strange feeling of loneliness. Maybe I am a little homesick (which is weird because I am usually not), maybe I am exhausted with all these notes and exams and salmonellosis, Whipple, Roux-en-Y stuffs, or maybe seeing seniors graduating and finished with their studies means that we only have a year left in this icy land of Moscow. Again, like A YEAR left.
Colour me surprise, I am not ready for it. Thinking about it makes my heart aches a little. It's really too much to think about but my silly, silly mind could not stop from asking so many questions.
Colour me surprise, I am not ready for it. Thinking about it makes my heart aches a little. It's really too much to think about but my silly, silly mind could not stop from asking so many questions.
Like how do they do that?
Saying goodbye...to this land where they grown up into?
Parting ways forever with Kremlin, St Basil, Metros and the babushkas?
Like how could I do that next year? How am I suppose to be strong like them next year, with straight faces and redha smiles and no tears?
I just don't want to imagine that. It's too early A, it's too early.
Just please save your "prashai" for next year.
And in the mean time, with these few moments left I just wanna cherish every single moments I have left and keep reading hepatitis, leptospirosis and all those infectious thingy.
May the force will always be with me.
"Apa yang ada pada kamu akan habis hilang dan hilang lenyap, dan apa yang ada di sisi Allah itu jualah yang tetap kekal. Dan sesungguhnya Kami akan membalas orang-orang yang sabar dengan memberikan pahala yang lebih baik daripada apa yang telah mereka kerjakan"
an-Nahl: 16:96
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Oh sungguh frust tengok orang lain dah habis exam tapi kita kene berchenta dengan buku2 lagi. Haih. Kene sabar tinggi2. *sebab tengah rasa jugak kot. Haih
Kadang2 sesuatu benda tu lebih baik ditinggalkan tanpa sepatah kata.
Eh tapi at the end kita kene jugak untuk tetap sebut perkataan yang kita rasa payah.
P/s: sebenarnya dari dulu baca blog ni ingatkan belog perempuan. Dan sebulan lepas baru tahu ni belog manusia berlainan gender. Oh sorry. Tapi baca yang ni sekali lagi rasa macam kene ingatkan diri " oh ni belog lelaki" ngee ampun dong! Haha
btw inspired kot bila kadang2 baca tulisan kat sini. Gud luck 3 paper lagi
@siapa2 je
Alamak dah agak dah ramai yang ingat ini blog pompuan. Haha is it kerana bunga-bunga stuffs? Malas nak menggodek layout sebenarnya, leceh dan makan banyak masa. So dibiarkan je lah sampai mood sampai.
Itulah, setuju beno yang some things are better left unsaid. Tak perlu goodbyes ni semua, sebab semua benda tak pasti. Dan benda ni semua lambat lagi kot nak kena pikir, entah kenapa terfeeling melankolik pulak tetiba, walhal bukannya masa untuk saya ucap babai pun.
Oh good luck diterima. Good luck juga untuk siapa2je. Kalau tak keberatan boleh ke nak tahu sape empunya diri ni? Sebab terkejut bila tahu ada yang bukan dari kalangan rakan kenalan saya yg baca.
Sesungguhnya saya pun xtau anda siapa n terjumpa blog ni kat mana. Tapi sebab best kot n ada banyak jugak benda buleh dapat tu baca. Dan selama ni jadi silent reader je ntah tiba2 rasa best tinggalkan komen. Oh sorry.
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