Things have never been easier.
Well I guess that's just life.
Life progresses, things changed, and I, have progressed too.
Its been 5 years since I left Moscow, 4 years of stepping into working life, and forever years of being a supposedly mature adult. Still cant believe that though.
Life has been cruel, with no sense of empathy at all, and I have moved out from my playing ground to a completely new territory and environment. I still in the moment of disbelieve that I was fated to be working somewhere in the south; in a place of no known person around, with a completely new environment of God knows what.
As if God knows that loneliness is somehow fated to be a part of my life.
Not to mention I am serving in the discipline of which I have never been trained of during my housemanship years, i am so blaming the damnation of the stupid system and the unfairness of the birocracy....but alas you gotta do what you have to do. There's nothing much you cant change though for being a junior. So ikut je lah nak.
So yea, now i am in my almost 2 years in the south, writing this as somehow I have no patient in the clinic due to the deadly Coronavirus season, and out of boredom was also laughing and crying to my late posts of cringiness hahahahaahah.
At least it makes everything to be less lonely than what it already is.
In which fine by me, always.
Sorry i laugh while reading your post. Hey selatan tanah air takdelah teruk mana. Haha! Semoga dipermudah segala urusan. And stay safe Dr!
omg who even reads up blog in 2020????? HAHAHAHAHA
Anyway thanks for the warm wishes too, an dyea selatan tanah air takdelah teruk mana haha
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