Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I'm Happy, period.

Orang selalu nampak yang kita ni tak happy, selalu negatif, selalu maki hamun orang, padahal dia tak tahu yang I only expressed my sadness here in my blog sebab thats the only way I could channel them to ease my pain. Maybe its my fault sebab tak tulis benda yang happy-happy dalam this blog, tapi seriously for freak's sake, I am happy with my life these past two years...tak update status facebook atau twitter atau blog with happy emotions tak bermaksud I am depressed ke apa, it means that I have my own life to deal with and like seriously, takde pekdahnya aku nak share all my happy moments kat orang, buat apa? Perlu ke?

Perlu ke aku bagi tahu kat semua orang yang aku happy sebab I finally don't care to wear whatever things on me takpe pedulikan orang lain punya judgements?
Perlu ke aku bagitahu semua orang yang aku happy sebab I am finally getting better spiritually?
Perlu ke aku bagitahu semua orang yang aku happy sebab dapat beli macam-macam jenis baju dan shopping berlambak pakaian sampai tak muat closet?
Perlu ke aku bagitahu yang aku suka Dayang Nurfaizah dan suka tengok American Idol?

Perlu ke? Perlu ke? Perlu ke???

Okay maybe I am unhappy waktu first year in uni, tapi so far I am enjoying my life to the bits, I  found what I am searching for so long by joining usrah, I do what I want, I study and I fail but I don't care because I am positively believe with qada' and qadar to the MAX, and I did say lots above pasal I am happy now (itu baru seket)...so need I say more?

Macam hello, this blog is the place where I pour out my endless emotional rants on stuffs...I said it multiple times...even the last couple posts before pun aku cakap, dah sini tempat aku mengadu domba when I am down or depressed...then you readers who baca this blog and by this blog solely you want to judge me as an emotional person?

Senang cakap, you don't know me well enough besides my writings, you should see me with your own two eyes before start cakap macam-macam.

Okay I know this post is unnecessary, tapi it's so menaikkan darah bila orang yang dah bertahun-tahun tak nampak aku depan mata boleh cakap...A you kena selidik diri dulu sebab selalu emo, A you ni negatif sangat, A you ni bla bla bla, yada yada...then bila I ask tahu dari mana ni? Dia jawab "I baca your status fb lah. I baca your bloglah. baca your tweet lah". So basically youre trying to say based solely on those stuffs you see I am unhappy?? Short-minded nya!!

I am human, I have upside downs, and mostly when I am down I write here, or fb, or tweets...walaupun jarang gila aku post emotional status/tweets in those sites sbb I love blogs, tapi hello meh nak habaq mai, physiologically people when berada dalam emotional state memang akan whining kat banyak laman sosial like tweeting or blogging..macam i am doing now lah...its my fault I know, tapi..come on?! It's so natural..people do that nowadays kan kan kan?

It's so simple, meh nak break it down to you;

I am down --> I post rants which always salahkan diri sendiri (poyo), or just senyap je (lagi poyo)

Haish...pleaselah understand..please.

So by that I think from now I should postlah random happy moment, starting dengan...
Aww sukanya minum air teh lemon petang-petang!
Aww sukanya nyanyi lagi Bonnie Raitt ni, yang I Can't Make You Love Me.
Aww sukanya dengan persembahan Stacy dalam Mania!

LOL peliknya, but thats what you asked, kan?

ps -
And about closing this blog, yes I think I probably SHUT THIS ONE DOWN sebab people nanti akan baca benda-benda lama tu yang soo emotional katanya...dan I don't want to have this kinda conversation. EVER. AGAIN.

but i still will be blogging tho, its either I removed/simpan all the previous post baik-baik in drafts box atau I made new blog.

ps edited -
Tak jadi. Nak simpan all the 2010, and halfway 2011 posts baik-baik tak bagi orang baca, gedik dan emosi sangat postnya. Nak buat major reorganisation!!

1 comment:

Al - Amin said...


X pelu save drafts or do whatsoeva on your old posts. Just stick to your stand tht u love bloging and love to release and leaving evryting on the blog so u'll feel relief.

As reader, we are the one who is responsible to take input on wht we read, postive or negative. Make all the stories on the blog as the preparation if we'd be in same boat, in the future.

It's all up to the reader.

Author is the one who create emotions and drama.
