Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ini Harapan, Mungkin Bagi Aku Je Kot
Monday, December 27, 2010
Old Days
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Scarves DIY
Monday, December 20, 2010
X Factor Finale
Sunday, December 19, 2010
hiding our good deeds in the name of sacrifice doesnt makes us respectable, people are just plain stupid these days. they insanely judge people with their idiotic mind, and those who so-called liars are worshipped more than anything. maybe its time to live with lies, since people love liars.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Day(s) 03, 04, 05, 06, 07
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Lap Stove, Ingat Mama
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Day 02 : Blog's Name Bla Bla Bla
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Day 01 : This Is Me Bla Bla Bla
Friday, December 3, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Challenge yang aku akan buat bila aku bosan (kot)
DAY 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Selamat Pagi, Salji

Monday, November 15, 2010
Raya Haji

Weekend Berlemon Masalah
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Post Insafkan Diri
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Apa Yang Muslim Patut Buat
Monday, October 18, 2010
Final 14 - Telephone
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Oke Oke

Friday, October 8, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Pecah Perut, Suka Hati
Tinggal 4 hari lagi!!
P/S - Tajuk post tu memang seriusly tak berkaitan. Saja nak suruh orang berminat nak klik haha
Sunday, August 22, 2010
2. Dalam major kemurungan yang amat sangat, tinggal 7 hari lagi sebelum pergi
3. Tangan cedera masa tengah menggoreng keropok ikan, buat A sedar yang api dunia amat panas, api neraka wallahualam
4. Banyak benda belum disetelkan lagi, malas bertripel lemon
5. Major kerisauan sebab tak tahu apa yang akan menanti di sana (macammana nak daftar, masuk hostel, visa etc)
6. Kecewa bila tahu ada reunion berbuka puasa bagi makhluk-makhluk Faris jajahan KL, nak ikut nak ikut
7. Major kemalasan, mungkin efek dari fakta no. 2, 4 dan 5
8. Lagi seminggu baru boleh jadi aktif, nak habiskan cuti sepenuh hati dulu
9. Nak layout dulu amat sangat, nanti seminggu lagi A cuba kemaskini
so tu je lah, tulis sikit-sikit le baru comel hoho
so TTFN for now, cya in 7++ days. Tc, dan salam ramadhan.
P/S - Ah ini masa sahur daa.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Anyway, living without internet doesnt affect me much though, im still breathing and alive, just like other humans that umm.. alive. At least im having the real hols with no internet and those modern electronic stuffs, and no worries, im happy. Well who isnt happy to have all your loved ones here by your side, 'cause deffo it wont be boring. I hope there's enough time for me to enjoy this last bit of my hols before i fly back there. I seriously want my sis here, sebab takut tak sempat jumpa dia. Sangat-sangat berharap dia okay, sebab katanya dia sakit. Tolong jaga diri k, please :)
Speaking of flying back there, gosh i seriously feel sick. I dont wanna go there yet, im not ready! Its suck, suck, suck! Anyone knows why time flies so fast meh these days? Memang tak aci betul huh. Tak aci tak aci :'(
P/S - Homesick already walaupun tak pergi pon lagi
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Special Notes For Them
F and Z, thanks for always making me laughs. It’s like you guys are my sunshine, always enlightens my day no matter what happened. Seriously, all the lights are dimmed once you guys aren’t with me, and it makes my life duller. Thanks again for being so ‘ourselves’, and knowing the fact that nothing changes between us makes me much merrier, although we live our life in a distance. Sorry for forgetting you guys souvenirs, but I promise I will next time. Just update your life with tons of stuff and spill them out once we’ll meet again, k.
M, I know it’s unfair to be left out with no reason, but somehow, I do think you deserve better, more than us. It seemed like you’ve changed, and it isn’t only me who see you’ve changed, others feel the same. You got new friends, new life, and when I see you in your life right now, I can see that you’re happy, happier than the time we were together. I don’t blame you if you hate me, but I just wanna let you know that I still heart our friendship. Sorry for forgetting you the day others and me had our chit-chat, but I didn’t know that you’re already having your hols here that time. Next time k, in case you’re not as busy as always.
A, sorry I can’t make it to your house during your holidays. I thrilled to be there, visiting your cool home which I bet is large and elegant and expensive, but I need to finish everything up at least before fasting month, and before I fly back to you-know-where. I knew I’ve disappointed you twice, first with the small reunion which I didn’t reply your message asap, and second, I broke my promise to come to your house. Sorry, and sorry.
well guys, thanks and thanks and sorry. and to others, don’t worry, ily guys too.
P/S - Background pic got deleted meh? Epic sucks
Hell yeah life is unfair, so suck it up
Ever imagined that you did a very good deed, people thanked you, you’re so proud of yourself and it seemed like you’re a hero to them and people loved and adored and liked you. Nahh, that just will be happened in imaginary world, not here. Life’s totally unfair, the possibility for our good deed to be paid off is so friggin’ly small, and it’d proven that people nowadays are so selfish, as I seriously don’t know why it’s so hard to say at least thank you.
Enough said, sometimes I think that people nowadays don’t act like they are people, or to be exact, humans. It’s not that I’m desperate enough to be adored or famous for my act, but at least respect me as a human who live in a community of yours. We live in a community, and we deserve and need each others. It’s sucked to know that you act nice, always helping people around because you think it’s one of responsibilities in a community but it turns out that people don’t give much like you do, they act vice versa, keeping everything away for themselves and act selfish as hell.
People, they just don’t understand. It’s always us who care about other people, thinking that they might be troubled if we didn’t care about them, but yeah, they are simply just so stupid to understand that.
It isn’t wrong to be nice, but no doubt, it hurts to be nice.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Drama Queen
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Changes Are All We Need, Maybe
Seriously, lots of things happened during a year I was studying abroad. Well, it’s not technically a year, but kind of being away (read : far far away) almost eight months from all of those budu and ikan singgang seemed to me like hell yeah it has been a year already.
Stalking through pages of things that I wrote in this crappy blog, there wasn’t much stuffs I mumbling about that country which I currently studying as a honoured medical student (im stressing on word “honoured”) as sadly enough, so far that I concerned, I didn’t like being titled as “the chosen boy who got an offer to fly across the sea to become a medical student” back then. Maybe there were mistakes back then why I felt that way, but who should have known that better from me, and let that kind of things be my secret.
But things do change, and knowing those changes running intensely rapid makes me somehow realizes that sooner or later, things will be ended pretty soon with memories of course, and by memories I mean it must be sweet one. Plus, I realized this is an offer, and absolutely it’s once in a lifetime and instead of being so bitchy, I should be full of gratitude because hey, there’s reason why things happened, and it will be shown when the time is right. Not to mention there’s fortune (read: lots of money) involved dealing with the offer which makes me uber happy haha.
I know, I know that I was in a total mess all of the year mostly but at least it’s happened only for this year. There are another five to come, and let’s pray that I won’t be that stupid emo bitch (bitch is a bad word fyi btw) and should cherish my life there because time flies, and it flies without we barely notice it and that should make us to be much more grateful with what we had now or it will leave us with nothing.
And of course most people don’t like being alone (emo sentence)
P/S - Will be updating a lot next year I promise (read: hope)
P/S - Currently boring, got no stuff to do this summer holiday
P/S – When I mean I am boring, it doesn’t mean I’m alone and that doesn’t mean im emo
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Deeper Conversation
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Merapu Malam-malam
Four Leaf Clover
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Mengarut Lagi
Memang pelik, sehinggakan diri ni rasanya dah terlebih EMO kot bokali.
Dan bila A rasa EMO, A biasanya dengar lagu-lagu Melayu yang lama-lama, especially lagu jiwang karat zaman dulu-dulu.
Glosari Loghat Kelantan
bokali - barangkali