Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Raining In Winter Time

Well I once promised to myself that I'm gonna blog when my final is over. Well technically it's not over yet, but the next part of it will be within two weeks, so alhamdulillah finally I got time to breathe (and blog) haha.

It's been a quite stressing week for me i must say. I was so tired with my upside down biological clock and overstuffed brain, and i believe i'm so gonna get the rare cases of theism for overconsumption of coffee. Like seriously, I consumed way too much of it and now I'm not much of sleeping at night, pity me. I hope I won't be getting any eyeback though.

Anyway praise to Allah for my goody-goody mark, well it's not perfectly perfect but i'm so proud of myself for my efforts on surviving the exams. And I still can't believe that I managed to survive and went all out with the tertunggak punya exams, not saying i'm stuck up or something, tapi macam tak percaya yang I can still stuffed many things in my brain in short amount of time.

Now that i am sort of back, there's so many things I wanna write down here. Sebenarnya dah tulis banyak dah, but most of it are emotional-related posts since I was so down last week and the week before that, but somehow it got me thinking that I should let the secrets stay safe and sound in my drafts box until I decide to publish them, so that this blog tak lah jadi macam dumping site for my endless emotional rantings. Kang tak pasal-pasal kena label emo.

So that's it, hopefully there will be no more emo-emo posts. Or you guys love hearing me emo than the cheery derpy me? What to do, being emotional dah macam personal trademark of mine, isn't it?

Well I'm guessing I'll just leave it that way. I hope no more emo me after this, I wanna be positive in all aspects, but still, who knows what will happen in the future. At least I'm putting an effort in being strong, so that should be a little plus for me there.

Hahah this is so the mature me speaking.
Gosh 2011 tak habis lagi aku dah buat resolusi baru, memang TERbaiklah.

Anyway speaking of being new, I've been thinking to do some sort of makeover to this blog. Well, it's already winter here and the sunny-looking bright flower doesn't really bring out the mood of it, so that's it, its makeover time! Okay it might sounded weird and not making any sense, but I always have this matchy-matchy things with my moods and seasons changing, cuz I believe that weather can indirectly affect your mood. Lagipun dah rasa boring dah dengan layout yang ni jugak.

And I also thought of doing like a wrap-up for what has happened in my 2011. Well it's not that much happening in my life, some were okay and some were suck, but the main purpose of it is for me to reflect how much I've changed this year from nehi to whatever i am today. But more on this will be in my next post.
Or next next post.
Or next next next next next post.
Well you know me ;)

Wah wah dah macam gaya seorang pemblogger yang hebat je aku ni menaip haha.

So that's it, woohoo I'm finally posting! For those yang missed me, let's keep our fingers crossed that I'll be much much more active in posting.

Salam bahagia semua :)

p/s - I'm trying to be on pace with my english writing, dah lama tak menulis in english and I think it will be such a waste if I don't practise it. So my apologies for silly grammar mistakes here and there, okay. And oh the title takde mengena dengan post, sori jugak pasal tu :D

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Renungan Hari Jumaat

I am miserable.

And when i'm miserable I sing a lot.
Like a lot.
I mean like lot's of lots.

It's sort of my personal habit to sing annoyingly in public when i am sad.
And to show off my sexy voice jugak seket-seket bagi orang jeles seket haha.

Oke ini rahsia kita berdua, jangan gedik-gedik nak kasi tau orang.

Then I found this.
Benda lama sebenarnya orang shared kat fesbuk, tapi tadi terjumpa balik.

Sepatutnya jangan sedih sangat dengan masalah dunia. Pentingkan yang mana lagi penting dulu. Ni sampaikan tak nak mengaji sebab fikir tak cukup masa untuk revise topic sebab esok exam memang tak betullah tu (tengah slam diri sendiri sebab slalu sangat jadi camtu).

Salam jumaat semua.


p/s - bukan nak mengaji ke hapa taim sedih. haihh apolahh nak jadi

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Cant help to notice that most of my t-shirts are green in colour.

But the funny thing is, I dislike green. That's a wee bit of fact that I always flaunt to my friends.

And I dislike blue too, blue is tacky.

My friends said that I have this sort of unconscious state of secretly liking green. Maybe it's true, I don't like green, but somehow the colour looks good on me (I think) XD

But as much as people said I always look gloomy and emo and such, i noticed that I dont own many black tees. Hmm that's weird.

But most of my outerwears are black in colour, but what do you expect? Me walking around in tacky neon jacket?

But I really want to try wearing preppy look to school, but with me not enough money and whatnots, I think it will be just a dream. Or maybe not. We'll see whether I could restrain myself from spending money on buying stuffs on this upcoming winter-christmas sale.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Boo Xtina, Words Can Bring You Down-lah Afterall

It's so funny how cakap-cakap belakang boleh ubah persepsi seseorang insan tu terhadap manusia lain, termasuklah kawan sendiri. Padahal apa yang didengar tu entah betul ke tidak.

Dan itu yang berlaku kat aku semalam, bila aku jumpa si mangsa tu dan aku pilih untuk percaya dengan buah mulut orang. Biasanya aku abaikan je benda-benda berangin ni, tapi entah macam mana semalam aku pilih untuk masukkan benda-benda tahyul tu dalam kepala. Kesian dia, tak pasal-pasal aku abaikan dia semalam.

Tapi like seriously, this is the truth about rumours and stuffs that people talk behind your back, they can bring you down. Sebab tu ramai yang beli suratkhabar dan tengok Melodi, kan?

Memang tak leh nak dinafikan yang memang dah jadi lumrah yang orang akan percaya dengan buah mulut si mami-papi jarum berbanding dengan the real truth. Nak buat macam mana, truth kalau nak diikutkan memang tak menarik langsung. Baik dengar gosip, lagi fun dan tak boring.

And the worst part is, kita akan rasa so vulnerable sebab tak tahu nak buat macam mana nak hentikan cakap-cakap orang. Yalah, analoginya macam jatuh tangga, mana lagi sakit, sakit sebab jatuh tangga, atau sakit malu sebab ramai tengok? Memang lah kalau jatuh tangga sakit, tapi kalau nak bercakap ikut ilmu fisiologi, signal transduction of sakit tu ada dua jenis, satu yang berlaku spontan ouch ouch baby dan satu lagi lambat transmissionnya bla bla bla....oke apa yang aku tulis tu tak berkaitan, tapi easy to say, memang yang banyak sakitnya sebab sakit malu punya lah kan?

Then apa lagi yang boleh kita buat selain daripada buat benda-benda cliche macam cuba jadi strong and start moving on macam takde apa berlaku, tapi the truth is, it's not easy you know to be strong.

Even pretending to be one pun bukannya senang.

ps - tajuk tu berkait dengan lirik dalam lagu ni. haha tetiba.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Regrets

"Cause when I look in a mirror, I don't even recognize myself
Got the heart of a winner, but looking back at me is someone else
No regrets, no point in crying of yesterday"