Saturday, September 6, 2014

Season of New Beginnings

Last summer was somehow a season of new beginnings.

People at my age is getting married, some are expecting babies, some are graduating while some are going through their first job, settling down in new environment, new friends, new beginning of life...

...well a season of new beginnings indeed.

Well for me this is relatively new. It is very new and strange and I still have hard times digesting all of these stuffs happening. Sometimes I feel like we are in the movies, like the film is rolling and we are the actor in it performing our roles. Some have to be the hero while some have to be the villagers. Yet, each one of us play important role to deliver a scene, Everyone's a somebody's now.

And witnessing those films rolling through my eyes, had got me trembling with enough gushes of fear. Its hard to digest the fact that this is a new phase of life that I have to go through. A phase that not only me have to go through. A phase of no turning back. A phase of new beginnings.

A phase called adulthood.

Welcome to this adulthood thingy, A. The train has arrived.
Welcome, selamat datang, irrashaimase, dobra posjalovats, and davaiii. 
And I'd be lying if not welcoming the train with slight pinch of fear.

Yet still, we can have this option though:

And that is what I always aim to be (sejak tamat highschool lagi, kan Y?)
At least this is comforting...

#Emotional summer, Like eh I'm feeling old. 


Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing bilamana baca benda ni sampai habis. Tak tahu kenapa. Ha.ha

afiqsamuel said...

@chad_NH Haha kita sama umur ke eh? Banyak sangat walimah buat diri rasa macam something :(

Anonymous said...

Tak tahu lah sama umur ke tak . Ntah tapi bila usia makin meningkat walau mkin banyak walimah . Tapi rasa makin bnyk hal lain perlu jadi keutamaan. Fuhh