Monday, April 30, 2012


Just to make things clear, I write not because I nak jadi famous ke apa, its my blog, its my personal public diary and its the only place where I can pour out and write endless emotional rants and whatnots. Ramai yang tanya, you ada blog tak, and I always jawab takde, tapi personal public diary adalah. Kadang-kadang rasa malu jugak bila melihatkan most of my posts are about me, me me me overload, but what to do, dah namanya personal public diary, memang haruslah setiap post dipenuhi dengan perihal tuan empunya diri, ye dok?

Anyhoo, blogger has changed its dashboard again, is getting new look katanya, and I hated it padahal baru je nengok tak sampai 1 minit. Like what I always do, I will change them back, cuma not yet sebab so malas nak betulkan balik whats changed...biarlah, later I check balik what's wrong and revert them back into the old style one, because I am far more comfortable with the old dashboard one. And who knows, I will be okay with this new look. Nantilah.

Sedang I was wondering why I haven't read load of posts from few blogs that I followed recently, I misclicked on something and my blog's statistics showed up, hence its inspired me to write with that kind of intro haha. It was so sudden, I dont know what I clicked, tapi I was quite taken aback to learn that the highest keyword people visit this blog is because of;

1) Tahi Ayam (Either its Bunga tahi Ayam or the peribahasa one, which can be seen with this post)
2) Renungan Hari Jumaat (which I think I posted that one randomly on Friday), and 
3) Suhu Musim Sejuk (which I always ramble about, since I am living in the coldest region on Earth)

Like seriously, I didn't expect ramai jugak yang mencari pasal Bunga Tahi Ayam, and so sorry if what I wrote there in that post is not "bunga" or "peribahasa"-related, more to my rants really, but you can ask me in the comments section if nak tahu more about them, insyaAllah I can help.

And omg so malu bila baca my old posts back. I didn't know I sounded so...gedik and mengada-ngada back then. Not to mention they were so berbelit-belit too, no wonder my friends always said reading my posts always made they laugh..because its so me...which means I am so gedik? Ahh? Anway thats a good thing lah isn't it when people laugh reading your post, right? 

Anyway moving on to the main topic there, sometimes its very true yang its soo good to be recognised by lots of people. Nak jugak rasa macammana perasaan orang tegur sana-sini, buat photoshoot sana sini tanpa segan silu dan masuk tv ngoh ngoh ngoh aku dah mula perasan. Tapi yang tak sukanya, to be heard and recognised by entire population (ayat hiperbola habis) you need to work your ass off so very bad, and you know lah me, so pemalas, takde masa lah nak habiskan masa berjam-jam promo blog sana-sini nak suruh diri femes. Dahlah tu aku ni pemalu orangnya, kena tegur ada blog seket dah blush so hard, yelah blog penuh dengan entries merapu sape tak malu kan?

So konklusinya aku malas malas malas, dan sekali lagi nak diingatkan ini blog yang penuh dengan stupid posts oleh aku, memang tak mungkin akan ke mana-mana, so let it be that far more comfortable lyk this...

Finally to end this post, because I really loove to be such a weatherman, and memang tak sah if i did not report about the weather here...spring has finally arrived in Moscow, and that means...THE WINTER IS FINALLY FREAKIN' OVER! Yayyy! No more thick outerwear, no more muddy snow, no more kesejukan, and no more glooominess. 

And what I love the most when winter ends, its time for colours.

p/s - oh rupanya they all made the blogs personal. Selalu sangat macam tu, I am such a bad luck for all the public's like whenever I followed this one great blog, so sudden the blog becomes personal. And I am pulak such a pemalu person, nak mintak suruh jadi invited reader, memang I malulah nak kasi emel. Nanti-nantilah.

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