Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Each one of us is annoying in our own  different way. As much as I hate A for being so loud and B for always taking such a long bath (these are just examples guys, not real pun), I just have to accept them for what they are, cuz being tolerate to others is the main keypoint to survive in community.

And trust me, I believe A and B somehow must personally dislike me too for something, like...uhmm...maybe for always singing in kitchen or bathroom or in every-friggin-where ala sharifah aini? Or maybe for always ranting silently while cleaning their mess? Or for always termenung like kak limah in kitchen? I dont know, but they must certainly have some turn off toward me kan?

But really, being tolerate to others is very important in dealing with bad attitude of others so that you wont be so moody and revengeful inside toward them. Its like what I always do when people kutuk me behind, I have this sort of weird analogy that keeps me from not being so sad; if they can kutuk me, then whatever, I can kutuk them too if I want, so no need to have such a hard feeling lah, because I knew at one point I will mengumpat too eventually whether its under my will or not.

I know its not really a great analogy, but its better than being all out and mengamuk tak tentu pasal. And yes sometimes being straightforward and brutally honest is good too, but for me I wont be doing that, unless in certain chronic circumstances which can't be undone.

But sometimes I do say something in shady-shady way, I am always being cynical, but most of the time people dont take me seriously, so haha, I dont look so kejam lah then :P

But most important thing of all besides being tolerate is sabar lah. Eh wait, sabar tu lebih kurang sama dengan tolerate lah kan?