Sunday, April 29, 2012

Me In Giving Advices

I'm a good listener, but for being a good advisor, hell to the no I am not.

Buuuuut sometimes I'm not a good listener too, and it's either I am not in a good mood, I'm having such a moody roughy bad day, or maybe just because I just cant hold on anymore to hear repeated things for so many times when it's so obvious that the answer for the problem is so freaking obvious. 

Tapi you know, the main reason why I don't really like giving my two cents in the conversation is because I mostly say the truth, and people hates to know the truth. They will easily be mad and marah me for being so entah apa-apa, padahal I am just trying to help. Tapi memang betullah my bad, dah orang tu tengah sedih-sedih and need a crying shoulder so bad, aku pulak bagi nasihat yang makin menambahkan kesedihan tu, mana tak marah. Memang patut pun kena cepuk.

Anyhoo just to make things clear, I want the whole world to know how my mind works when i am in this kind of situation, which means its when i am facing some sort of problem yang menyakitkan jiwa. When I have problems, I seek the fault on myself first before starting to find others to blame. Tak kisahlah semarah mana pun I am, I will sehabis mungkin cari di mana silap diri ni dulu, the fault is on me, tak kisahlah se-immature and se-unlogical mana pun the situation was, I was (and am) trained to find the fault on myself dulu.

So bila some people have problems, I usually said its your fault lah for being this bla bla bla bla, kenapa you tak jadi like more bla bla bla, yada yada yada. I will straight kasi tahu yang salah itu datangnya dari diri dia dan bukannya dengan orang yang dia persalahkan tu, sebab memang aku macam itu. I just don't like blaming people when my ideology of thinking is CARI SALAH DIRI DULU. Lagipun I dont particularly like being at one side badmouthing on the others when I only heard it from one-sided party, its a bit unfair, kan?

Lagipun bukan ke orang yang mengalah dulu tu lagi baik? 

Tak kisahlah if the person we terasa hati tu perangai dia tersangatlah menyakitkan hati, the problem is us, us and us, cari silap diri dulu and perbetulkan diri first, then bila tak tahan then barulah I blame on the others sebab we already tried kan? Thats what I do bila aku dalam situasi macam itu. Pernah juga rasa sakit hati yang sangat-sangat tu this particular person bila gaduh-gaduh dan tak bercakap banyak hari, sebab geram, tapi once geram tu reda, its always me yang firstly mintak maaf.

So that's why some people tak suka when I give them some advices, I am just sooo negative they said, but hey, now that I have explained this to you, I hope later you understand how my mind works if I were in that kind of position, my ideology memang macam tu. Kalau you tak suka then sorry to say please carilah orang lain that you can gang-up to support you, whom is definitely not me. And my ideology implies to all who ask me for help when they are in trouble, takde masa lah nak bagi prioriti kat sape-sape.

Tapi bila I have nothing to say, (which is so rare lol), I stay silent. So kalau taknak tahu kebenaran then  don't lah ask me for advices hohoh. And one more thing, its very true, kadang-kadang I solve my own problems in logical thinking with my feelings excluded sebab you know, sampai bila nak sakit hati memanjang and let our feeling clouded our relationship? Like I said before, try to be much more understanding.

Nevertheless, no matter how bitchy my advices were, in the end pleaselah percaya yang I said that to help you, like for realzz.

Peace yo :)

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