Monday, July 2, 2012

Finished Already

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. Words cant even explain how I am so happy right now. Finally the worst year of exams akhirnya tamat. I dont know about you guys my fellow batchmates, but for me, this year's final exams are the most stressful exams yang I had ever encountered with. Feelingnya sumpah lain macam, sebab susaaaah. So stressful sampai boleh dikatakan hampir setiap malam sebelum exam aku rasa macam nak nangis sebab OMAGA so cluelessssss. Dengan subjek yang susahnya, ditambah lagi dengan silibus yang banyak dan silap diri yang asyik main, memang susah sangat-sangat nak fokus. Tapi with that being said, praise to Allah the almighty sebab semuanya dipermudahkan walaupun ada upside down sana-sini. Seniors cakap that this year is the most hectic year, lepas ni dah tak busy sangat dah, and I am really crossing my fingers on that. Even kalau masa diputarkan untuk baiki those flops pun aku taknak, stress lah.

So yeah, i wanted to post this happy post as soon as I finished my last paper, which was the amazingly scary Pathophysiology, but I was so tired post exams (which I always am) due to not having enough sleep..and later I had so many post-exams yeah, sorry lah if somehow this post kinda looks like unnecessary since it's kinda late. Whatever it is, I am still happy because my third freakin year is finally over. Cant wait for next year, may things be always fabulous for me, and for you. *giggles*

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