Saturday, September 15, 2012

Winter Trip '12 - Part I - Poland (i)

OMZYXG the pictures are here guyssss as promised :)

First destination : Poland. In Poland, we visited two places; its capital which is Warsaw, and Krakow. Dua dua tempat ni merupakan dua tempat yang Malaysia hantar students study medik di Poland, dan di Poland jugak I met with my schoolmate yang study kat sini.

Since it was our first day, of course lah the gambar were not so many. Lagipun we are all guys kot, takleh nak camwhore sangat hehe.

Tapi ada lah jugak seciput.

Keep in mind that it was winter, so the view tak lah cantik sangat as in spring or summer. Tapi at least the whiteness of the snow made us look quite cerah in most of the pictures :P

So we all arrived in late evening, and while searching for halal restaurant for dinner, we walked around the town a bit so that tak kalut-kalut sangat tomorrow. Lagipun it's not really that late, it's winter time and pukul 6 ke atas dah gelap dah.

*click the picture for better resolution*

saw this building while walking, dunno what is it but I like the architecture
This is National Theater (Teatr Narodowy)
Gate of the tombs of unknown soldiers
...and our picture in front of it
And this is one of the guards who guard this place.
Agak lucu sebenarnya sebab bila difikir-fikir balik, we visited kubur malam-malam buta. Nasib baik nothing spooky happened. Anyway, keep in mind that it was winter time, the weather was super cold and we had been outside for too long, so we didn't take pictures much.


not so many people, sejjukk
loving the angle here, with the light and all
I lupa on sequence to where we went first the day after we arrived, tapi agak banyak jugaklah tempat that we visited, like;


Church in Wilanow
besides the church
random benda yang caught my attention. in summer i think ada anggur bergayut rasanya
Wilanow Palace with us. Wah macam budak-budak sumenye!
loving the angle here!

See, even the pigeons were shivering!
The Floating Palace
as usual, us in front of it :)
Giving food to Mr. Peacock

In Russia we have this building too with same architecture, called the Seven Sisters 
Us in front of the monument
with some old friends studying there
and we even left our "momento" in there too hehe :P

Ish vandalism ni

the stadium
Le us
and finally...

IN OLD TOWN AGAIN (last night for souvenirs hunting)

when we arrived..'s snowing so bad, so not taking much pictures
the old town, love the effects and hue and all
So basically that was it, sungguh tak teratur kan post ni? Well I did my best in selecting pictures and whatnot, so biorlah. Next one's gonna be in Poland too, but in Krakow, so stay tuned. 

Later :)


cmud said...

souvenir-hunting? for me? hehe

afiqsamuel said...

@cmud, hahah kan dah tulis kat situ, almost one year dah, souvenir dah habisss lah *larikk*